Saudi Sports for All Federation visits College of Sport Sciences and Physical Activity at King Saud University

Various presentations and demonstrations were held during the tour showcasing the College’s research progress A high-level delegation from the Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) conducted an official visit to the College of Sport Sciences and Physical Activity at King Saud University (KSU) September 13, 2020. The tour was headed by Vice Rector for Projects, Dr. Abdullah […]
Get the whole family exercising

The range of benefits to exercise are well documented, but it can be easy to neglect positively influencing the most important people – your family From being plopped into car seats to being perched in front of the TV, encouraging kids to have a sedentary lifestyle is a slippery slope that easy to go down. […]
Creating a wellness program for your team

Implementing wellness into your company structure can be done with relative ease The importance of developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is currently being stressed around the globe and one of the best things you can do for your team is to develop your company culture to include a wellness program. It is a good […]