Global initiatives report highlights innovative government solutions during pandemic
The Sports for All Federation (SFA) was named amongst a total of 17 Saudi entities for innovative solutions during the Covid-19 pandemic including the Ministry of Health and the Saudi National Information Centre.
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) released its “Compendium of Digital Government Initiatives in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic,” highlighting eight primary action areas including e-participation, e-health, e-business, working and learning from home, digital policy, and more.

The SFA’s social impact program executed during the holy month of Ramadan, Move to Donate, was noted in the report as a civic action initiative. Move to Donate, one phase of the wildly popular Baytak Nadeek initiative, resulted in 5,500 pledges to workout from home and generated SAR 125,000 in donations to the Saudi Food Bank.
Yesser, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s e-government program, which aims to enable government agencies to provide integrated and interconnected digital services to individuals, submitted a total of 43 nominations, resulting in the final 17 chosen for inclusion in the UN DESA report.